Every Sunday morning during our Sunday School hour (9-10) and during our 10:30 worship service, we have a paid professional nursery worker available to care for any kiddos, birth through 3 years of age. Upon check-in, parents will sign in their kiddos and be given a pager (think restaurant pager that lights up and vibrates) to be contacted in case of an emergency.
Kiddos can be picked up and signed-out after the service has concluded.
* For those mom’s who would like, we also have a private space dedicated for nursing mom’s inside of the nursery. Feel free to inquire about the exact location once you arrive on Sunday morning!
As a church family, we are super intentional about creating a worship environment where children can learn to worship the Lord, alongside their families. BUT…we also realize that expecting a 1st grader to sit and listen to a 40 minute message, is a bit of a stretch. That’s where Children’s Church comes in.
After the first several elements of our worship service and right before the morning message begins, kiddos pre-k through 4th grade are dismissed to head to Kids’ Church.
Kids will be split into two age groups (pre-K thru Kindergarten) will be accompanied by an excited and trained volunteer to room 202 for an age appropriate lesson, time of discussion along with a craft and/or game.
Older kids (1st-4th grades), will head up to The Loft (aka room 220) with another excited and trained volunteer for an age appropriate lesson, time of discussion along with a craft and/or game.
Parents may pick up their children from those rooms after the service has concluded.

Sunday School for children has been placed on hold for the time being.