Sundays @ First Baptist


We Are The Church

We believe the church is not somewhere you go, it’s something we strive to be. We know that God is moving through His church, and we want to invite you to consider becoming a part of it.  Sundays at FBC are a central part of our life together and would be a great launching point into learning more about who we are.  Here’s some of what you can expect…
Sunday School for Starting @ 9:00 am
(Currently we have classes for Adults)
Fellowship Time from 10 to 10:30 with coffee, snacks and other assorted goodies.
Worship begins at 10:30 am and our service generally finishes by 11:45
Nursery Care is available from 9:00 until the end of the service (newborn to 3 yrs old)
Music is an important part of our worship and at FBC we sing a little bit of everything. While we trend towards a more contemporary style and selection of music, we recognize the truth that God can be glorified through a hundred year old hymn or a song that was released last week.  The important part is the posture of each person’s heart as we come to worship and as we focus on the LORD.  
Dress is fairly casual, but depending on the person, you’ll see everything from suits, ties and dresses… to shorts, sandals, blue jeans and NFL jersey’s.  We lean into the idea that is presented in the book of Samuel (1 Sam 16.7) that God doesn’t look at what people look at (i.e. the outward appearance), but God looks at the heart.  So we invite you to come as you feel comfortable, trusting that God cares about our hearts and our presence in worship, more than what we might be wearing.